As the broadleaf tropical forest blooms in a tapestry of lush greenery and vibrant blossoms, Belize enters its enchanting Green Season.  While some travelers may be hesitant to visit during this time, dismissing it as the rainy season, those who dare to venture to the Central American paradise are rewarded with a unique and unforgettable experience.  Let’s explore what the Green Season in Belize entails and why it might just be the perfect time for your next adventure.

Understanding the Green Season

Belize’s Green Season spans from June to November and is categorized by warmer temperatures, higher levels of humidity, and increased rainfall.  These conditions are ideal for nurturing the country’s verdant landscape and feeding farmer’s fields and orchards.  Tropical fruit and exotic flowers flourish while the pace of daily life settles into a comfortable and unhurried meander in the sultry surroundings.  Intermittent showers and the occasional thunderstorm may blow in quickly and unexpectedly but are often finished just as fast and can bring a welcome relief from the heat and a refreshingly clean scent to the air.  Typically, the periods of prolonged rain fall overnight and provide a soothing white sound quality to the quiet hours.

Embrace Nature

One of the undeniable charms of the Green Season is the opportunity to witness nature in all its glory.  The rain rejuvenates the forests, causing them to burst forth with new growth of climbing vines and supple ferns.  Rivers swell with water and cascading waterfalls mature into their most magnificent selves.  With swifter moving currents, rafting and tubing tours are at their most exhilarating pace during the Green Season.  Birdwatchers will delight in the abundance of avian species that frolic in the renewed wetlands such as egrets, spoonbills, herons, ibis, king fishers, pelicans, and even the majestic jabiru stork.

No Crowds

Another advantage of traveling during the Green Season is the utter absence of crowds.  Even during the peak months of tourist season, Belize is an uncrowded destination- think swaths of deserted beaches and huge tracts of uninhabited wilderness- but during the hazy, lazy days of Green Season you are all but guaranteed to enjoy a more tranquil and intimate experience.  You won’t have to worry about waiting for a table at a restaurant or standing in line to enter a park or attraction.  Imagine climbing ancient Maya Temples or exploring the top snorkeling spots with nary another tourist in sight.

Authenticity and Adventure Await

This is the perfect time of year to get a feel for the “real Belize” and immerse yourself in the cultures of the country.  Many vibrant local festivals celebrating the country’s diverse heritage and cuisine take place throughout the season in different locations across the country.  Placencia’s preeminent Green Season event is Lobsterfest, held the first weekend in July, which comprises of three full days of fun, food, and music on the beach.  There’s no shortage of cultural and community activities to enjoy and get involved with.  Engage with local artisans at craft markets, learn the art or traditional dance or drumming, volunteer with a local charity or participate in a community conservation project.  Now is the time for slow travel and intimate adventures in Belize.

The Green Season in Belize offers a magical and immersive travel experience that appeals to the adventurous spirits and nature lovers.  Whether it is to seek a tranquil escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday or to find an action-packed adventure amidst the lush rainforest and pristine coral reef, Belize has something to offer every traveler, any time of the year.  Embrace the beauty of Green Season and discover the hidden charms of this captivating country for yourself.

Book your Green Season stay today!